First-generation students seeking a college degree face unique challenges and benefit from additional support. Our Linfield First Scholars (LFS) program begins with Tier 1, a comprehensive, year-long first year experience focused on helping new undergraduates identify and connect to a rich purpose for their higher education journey. After their first year, students are encouraged to stay in the program and serve as student peer mentors to new Linfield First students. We seek to enrich the experience of our peer mentors as they progress toward graduation. LFS staff will develop and deliver certified training on advance peer mentoring and leadership skills while attending to the issues of belonging and college knowledge that first-generation students face. Building on first-year programming, training modules will help Tier 2 peer mentors increase their capacity in areas such as communication, purposeful decision making, wellness, critical thinking and career and self-development. As student leaders, Tier 3 participants will serve as peer ambassadors and work with staff to develop and guide the Linfield First Scholars program. Outcomes include sustained engagement, pre-professional skill mastery, and persist to graduation at rates comparable to continuing-generation students.