To address the need for resilient (inter)religiously literate and responsible leaders equipped with the skillset and wherewithal to ensure the future of civil discourse and democracy in a country challenged by division and social cohesion, the University of St. Thomas will launch the undergraduate Interfaith Fellows program (IF), an integrated (co)curricular student experience that fosters interfaith scholarship, practice, and leadership. Fellows receive a Fellowship Award (stipend) and salary, join a cohort that meets monthly for training in interreligious studies, interfaith leadership and engagement, and receive professional development from outside professionals. Additionally, they complete programs in three areas: scholar, practitioner, and leader. Foundational experiences include earning a minor in Interfaith Leadership, completing an interfaith community engagement practicum with an organization, and co-developing a leadership seminar and workshop with other Fellows and in partnership with community leaders in the Minnesota Multifaith Network. A constructive program assessment and public symposium will cap the grant cycle with an eye to establishing IF permanently while promoting a cross-campus culture of interfaith learning, changemaking, and engagement.