Eckerd College is embracing a refoundational moment. We are committed to the original Eckerd promise that an innovative liberal arts education—grounded in thoughtful action—is attainable and valuable for this and future generations of students who aspire to be agents of change in a changing world. As a central academic initiative of our 2021 strategic planning process, we aim to launch a “minor in a problem”: a purpose-driven, problem-centered, place-based curricular program that highlights faculty and student passion for interdisciplinary engagement and vocational exploration as vital to a liberal arts education. In collaboration with our St Pete Center for Engaged Citizenship and Social Impact, cohorts of students who “minor in a problem” will work closely with faculty to cultivate their sense of self and hone their passions and interests, investigate those from multiple perspectives in and beyond the traditional classroom through enhanced interdisciplinary liberal arts pedagogies and real-world experiential learning, and share their findings with multiple publics. The “minor in a problem” will celebrate the College’s historically innovative and self-reflective curriculum while empowering faculty and students to be thoughtful, purposeful, empathetic citizens in the present.